WELCOME TO: The Venusian School of Business

Hustle is out. Heart is in.

Step out of the antiquated journey of entrepreneurship today. Yes, you can create a purpose-centered business that allows you to access a wellspring of abundance that actually feels good along the way.

The new way is here. You’re going to love her.





Are you ready for a life rooted in freedom & abundance?

Maybe you have an existing business and you want to go deeper. Or maybe you’ve done the success thing but it felt fruitless and empty. Or perhaps you are starting new, either way you are in the right place.

If you have found your way to this little corner of the internet then chances are you are ready to experience a BIG SHIFT:

If you are done with the old way of chasing after success and are ready to harness the power of align and allow. If you’re ready for the beauty and balance in that Nature Herself brings to business, then it’s time you step into the Venusian School.


The Venusian School of Business

We are here to help you unleash your unique gifts so you can unearth a business balanced in light, abundant in love, and rooted in receiving.


“I’m ready to remember my Unique Gifts and why I came to earth in the first place.”

The Remembrance Alignment

  • Why did you come to earth in the first place?

    Embark on a journey of divine remembrance inside this course. This is an invitation to meet the soulful entrepreneur within. Remember your ancient wisdom and spiritual gifts. After all, you came to earth for a reason. It’s time to AWAKEN dear one....

    What we will cover:

    • Unlocking Your Spiritual Senses

    • How to Awaken to Your Sacred Purpose

    • How to Uncover Your Unique Spiritual Gifts

    • How to Find Your Spiritual Business Concept

    • The power of Tapping into the Alchemy of Fear

    • How to Receive Guidance from the Unseen Realms

    It’s time to step Into Your Light

    Enroll Now and awaken the ancient powers that pave the path to success, joy, and abundance in a realm where magic and business converge.

    Goodbye, chasing manifestations. Hello, aligning and allowing.

    Let the journey begin. 🌟

    If your desire is to experience VSB’s curriculum transformation from start to finish, The Remembrance Alignment will be Step 1.


“I’m ready to bring my relationship with Money and Abundance into wholeness.”

Mission reclamation

  • If you have been hearing the call to align with something deeper, within your life's work then "Mission Reclamation" is the place to begin your sacred journey.

    Here we will:

    🌿 Harmonize Your Masculine and Feminine Energies

    The “masculine” container allows the structure and safety needed for the “feminine” to flow and experience creativity and play.

    ✨ Discover Your Golden Shadow

    Here we move beyond typical shadow work to unveil your own unique golden shadow. Where your unacknowledged strengths and abilities shine. "Mission Reclamation" invites you to explore the untapped potential that can illuminate your journey and enrich your life in unexpected ways.

    🌟 Redefine Success on Your Terms

    What does success truly mean to you? Create a business and vision that honors and reflectsand animates your deepest values.

    💰Spirituality in Business

    Transform the way you experience business challenges. Gain a deeper sense of purpose and connection, after all your business is your spiritual practice.

    ⏳ Time Transmission

    Stop spinning and the cycle of confusion. Gain mastery over your time. Invest in what truly matters and build a business that actually nourishes your nervous system and soul.

    🌈 Let Your Heart be Your Guide

    In a world that often uses the external world to measure achievements, learn the importance of internal validation. Find confidence and validation from within, recognizing your unique value and the path you walk in this world.

    Are You Ready to Answer the Call?

    If you're feeling the pull towards deeper self-discovery, if you're ready to harmonize the energies within you, and if you're eager to align your business with your spiritual path, "Mission Reclamation" awaits. Join us on this transformative journey, and let's reclaim the mission of your soul together.

    Enroll Now and begin the beautiful process of reclamation, where every step forward is a step towards your truest self.

    Your journey of reclamation starts here.

    This is perfect for you if:

    * You want to craft a new, purpose-filled business

    * You want to realign and reimagine your existing business

    If your desire is to experience VSB’s curriculum transformation from start to finish, The Alchemy of Purpose will be Step 2.

SPIRITual business Mastery

“High-Impact Strategies for the Spiritual Entrepreneur”

The Allow

  • This profound program uses the divine masculine elements of growing a business in a purpose-filled way so you can practically manage your growing brand in a way that allows the aligned abundance and success you crave.

    This is perfect for you if:

    • You want to launch and grow in a balanced way

    • You’re ready for proven business practices to allow abundance

    If your desire is to experience VSB’s curriculum transformation from start to finish, The Allow Container will be Step 3.

Truth: Some business courses are focused only on the DOING and void of spirit, while others are just airy enough to leave you with all theory and no real world actions to take.

Most businesses are built entirely from the HEAD rather than harnessing the HEART as the beat that moves them forward. The truth is, we need both to be successful.

Another Truth: If you want to a business that holds light and abundance, your strategy needs to be led by your spirit. Bringing in the heart as your driving force turns the business journey into a spiritual journey — this is where the magic begins.

  • The heart creates.

  • The head constructs.

  • The heart breathes life and possibility.

  • The head provides the structure for the heart to feel safe.

  • The head is what everyone else is doing.

  • The heart is where you’ll stand out.

AND when your heart finds that beautiful balance between spirit and strategy? You’ll be amazed at the clarity and courage that becomes yours when you dive into the VSB curriculum.


Hi, I am Tirzah.

I have been where you are.

I remember waking up to my account overdrawn, again! Yep. My money wounds ran deep. And then the day came when I was finally ready to put and end to that life of poverty I was born into. I was tired of living for the weekend and dreading Mondays. I was burnt out and exhausted, my body was more drained than my bank account. I knew I wanted more BUT the fear and doubt I experienced was keeping me stuck.

Through the tools I teach here at VSB, I bootstrapped my way to a 30M company in less than 5 years.

Today, I live a life of financial freedom. I have the ability to live anywhere I want in the world.  I have a business that is nourishing and regenerative to my nervous system and the world.

And most importantly, I have the profound privilege to serve with my unique gifts. I am determined to usher in a new wave of heart led entrepreneurs. I believe you hold the keys to the healing the world need right now. That is right, we need your gifts. I am here to make the business world feel expansive. To fill it with heart, meaning and purpose.

It is my honor and privilege to help you bring forward your spiritual gifts and weave them into a business that is rich in purpose AND profit.

FOR soulpreneurs seeking deeper meaning & transformative expansion.


When we uncover and tune in to where our heart is guiding us, we have the power to consciously create soul-led businesses that transform our lives, expand our bank accounts, and fulfill our purpose.

Pair that vision with tangible tools rooted in real world business practices and you can authentically embody how you make money and share your gifts with the world. That potent pairing is my driving force in supporting you on your entrepreneurial journey. I’m so honored you’re here.

Devoted slow living advocate

Multi-million dollar CEO + brand builder


Why “Venusian?”

Venusian = from the planet Venus.

Venus is widely known as the feminine planet.

In short: We aim to rebrand the business world with feminine energy as the heartbeat.

Then we harness divine masculine energy as the vehicle to deliver that beauty and intention to the world through purpose-filled businesses.

Business has traditionally harnessed ONLY Mars energy. Rooted in unhealed masculine. It’s about domination and hierarchy. It results in very unbalanced businesses, and an unbalanced economy because of those businesses.

Venusian energy is about loving and welcoming in love. Rooted in nurturing. It’s about compassion, connection, equality, and softness. It results in more balance and holistic growth, honoring the cycles and rhythms inside of us and throughout our world.

Inside The Venusian School of Business, we lead with Divine Feminine and follow with Divine Masculine to craft businesses that:

  • Align to unique purpose, intention, and love

  • Allow growth through thoughtful vehicles and containers

This way of doing business welcomes in and builds up leaders, organizations, and companies that make our world better by serving through alignment and experiencing success without the hustle.


Feminine flow creates fertile ground
Masculine fire creates mission mastery

You might feel fear. You may think you’re not cut out for this.

But if you have even the slightest seed of willingness to step into using your gifts to profit, prosper, and step into your purpose…

Have the courage to push past the old way and try something new.

You will find Tirzah in:

We’re ushering in the balanced era of building businesses.

What if feminine flow could fuel the masculine fire in a way that creates LASTING, LEGACY-LEADING BEAUTY in the business world?

Would you join to be a part of it?